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Mind the Gap card game / Gêm gardiau Mind the Gap

Wed 30 October 2024 14:00-15:30

John Percival Building - 1.57
  • Black History Month

Gêm gardiau Mind the Gap: dewch yn gyfforddus gyda chydraddoldeb, amrywiaeth a chynhwysiant

Ydych chi'n poeni am ddweud yr un peth? Am ddweud rhywbeth sarhaus drwy ddamwain? Ydych chi'n teimlo'n anghyfforddus yn trafod cydraddoldeb, amrywiaeth a chynhwysiant?

Ymunwch â Dr Sarju Patel am sesiwn ar y gêm gardiau 'Mind the Gap'. Mae'r gêm wedi'i chynllunio i ysgogi trafodaethau cadarnhaol ac i fagu hyder pobl ar bynciau fel hil, rhywedd ac anabledd. Mae'r sesiwn hon yn rhoi cyfle i chi ddod yn fwy cyfforddus gyda sgyrsiau sensitif.

Cafodd y gêm ei chreu gan dîm rhyngddisgyblaethol o Brifysgol Caerdydd, Dr Sarju Patel, Dr Riccardo Maddalena, Ms Deborah Syrop a Dr Kathryn Jones.

Os hoffech chi ddefnyddio'r cardiau yn eich cyfarfod tîm eich hun, gallwch chi archebu set trwy gysylltu â Dr Sarju Patel (patels2@caerdydd.ac.uk).



Mind the Gap card game: get comfortable with equality, diversity and inclusion

Are you worried about saying the wrong thing? For saying something offensive by accident? Do you feel uncomfortable discussing equality, diversity and inclusion?

Join Dr Sarju Patel for a session on the card game 'Mind the Gap'. The game is designed to encourage positive discussions and build people's confidence on topics such as race, gender and disability. This session gives you the opportunity to become more comfortable with sensitive conversations.

The game was created by an interdisciplinary team from Cardiff University, Dr Sarju Patel, Dr Riccardo Maddalena, Ms Deborah Syrop and Dr Kathryn Jones.

If you would like to use the cards at your own team meeting, you can book a set by contacting Dr Sarju Patel (patels2@caerdydd.ac.uk).

