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Cluedopatra: ANARC's boardgame GIAG meet up!
Fri 27 September 2024 14:00-17:00
Scaredy Cats Cafe
Event Information
- Free events
- Give It A Go
- Non-Alcoholic Events
Welcome freshers! Join us for our very first social of the year- boardgames at Scardey Cats Cafe. This excellent cafe serves hot and cold food and drinks and has a wide array of board games that are free to play for its patrons and is a great introduction to Cardiff's cafe scene. This is your chance to meet the comittee and other ANARC members in a chilled out atmosphere* and is a great opportunity to ask for advice on your course or life in Cardiff in general! Whether you're a boardgame pro or an only child who played Cludo alone for years- all abilities are very much welcome. We'll be meeting inside the cafe at the start of the social- but feel free to come and go as you need: keep an eye on our socials for last minute updates.
It is vital you grab a ticket for this one folks as Scardey Cats has a limited capacity! If you have got a ticket but can no longer make it drop us a line on our socials so we can judge numbers- no explaination needed!
*chilled out atmosphere may be affected by the choice of game