We're working extremely hard to keep everyone informed and up to date. Please click this link to view the status of our up-coming shows



Please see our T&C's here. 

Please note entry for our live music events may close up to an hour before the finish time of the headline artist. For safety reasons we reserve the right to refuse entry if this point has been reached. This will typically be from 21:00 for a live music event. Please see individual listings for specific finish times. It is recommended that you arrive in plenty of time to pass through the box office and search. 

Clubnights last entry is 01:30. (A clubnight is classed as anything that finishes after 23:00 within Y Plas or The Great Hall). 


We are partnered with TicketSwap, our official ticket reseller that enables fans to buy and sell unwanted tickets safely, and fairly to one another. Selling anywhere other than TicketSwap is strongly discouraged. If you are experiencing issues selling your tickets, please reach out to the TicketSwap Support Team.

The Great Hall

The Great Hall is Cardiff Union's largest venue with a capacity of 1500 and can be accessed from the entrance on Senghennydd Road. An iconic venue on the Cardiff music scene, The Great Hall has hosted hundreds of the biggest names in music over the last 40 years and continues to play an important part in establishing artists.  

Image of a man in the crowd raising his arms with the stage in the background Image of a drummer performing on stage

Y Plas

As a live music venue Y Plas has a capacity of 1000 with an option to upgrade to 1200. It can be accessed via the steps at the front of the Union on Park Place. It is also where our clubnight's take place with the addition of two other rooms. Y Plas has one large bar in the main room, a smaller bar on the mezzanine balcony and two bars in the other adjoining rooms. There is also cloakroom in the back room.

Image of a performer raising his amrs and smiling on stage Top-down shot of the crowd at a gig, taken from the balcony